Clinic Location: 160 Falcon Road, Wandsworth SW11 2LN
This centre offers a comprehensive sexual health and contraception service and manages complex sexual health issues, led by nurses and doctors.
Walk in clinic is open on Monday , Tuesday , Thursday and Friday mornings . Doors open at 8am and the walk in clinic will close when we have reached capacity . This is a walk in and wait service.
For non urgent or routine presentations, you may find it more convenient to book an appointment by calling 0333 300 2100.
Lines are open 8am-6pm, Monday to Friday. A recorded message gives useful information outside these hours.
Appointments are in high demand but are released on a regular basis.
If you have no symptoms or mild symptoms you can order a free testing kit online that you can collect from either of our clinics or can be delivered to your door.
Register for a free test kit via the Sexual Health London website.
The online e-service is completely confidential, they will contact you direct with your results.
Walk-in clinics are open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 08:00 am and close when we reach capacity. For this reason, we strongly advise that you try and arrive as early as possible.
Walk in clinics are suitable for people who have symptoms relating to infections which are sexually transmitted . There are some infections that can be quickly and easily treated by your GP or local pharmacy
For non urgent or routine presentations, you may find it more convenient to book an appointment by calling 0333 300 2100.
We are open for appointments between 2pm- 6pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays .
We also offer appointments on Wednesdays between 8am-3pm.
Our Young Persons walk in is open on Wednesdays for under 18s on Wednesday 3pm-6pm
If you have no symptoms and need an STI self-test kit, order online via the Sexual Health London website.
If you have symptoms and need an appointment, call 0333 300 2100 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm).
Please call 0333 300 2100 (open 8am-6pm) to book an appointment.